So, we have a blog… so the question is what to do with this thing…
I plan on using it as a place to tell stories about current railroad research, efforts at preservation, and things going on in our community. I welcome suggestions.
The blog comes as the site is going through a technical transition… We are migrating from GoDaddy to a new host… you may have noticed the welcome notice… you may have noted that we went dark for a couple of days… the photo gallery still doesn’t work…. All of this is the cost of the change… a change that when complete will be good… with more options for Andrew when managing the site.
Behind the scenes, Andrew (Andrew Brandon) is working hard in his spare time to make the thing work, and eventually sing (not sing as in Dolly Parton or Merle Haggard, but sing as a web site should)
Our vision for the site… (this is not new) is an open discussion forum… questions, answers, thoughts, with a curated back side… The individual railroad histories, The information on paint…. These will be reviewed, edited, and sources checked… We at PacificNG collectively believe in footnotes… We need to trace the source of the information.
We believe by following this model, we can attract the best railroad historians and researchers, publish their work and thoughts, and provide a basic source for early railroad history, mostly narrow gauge railroad history on the Pacific Slope…