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July 15, 2013

Piecing history together… chasing ghosts

By: Randy Hees

A week ago I was in Juneau Alaska… for exactly 71 hours… Kyle Wyatt (see the occasional Kyle’s corner on this site) and I were consulting for the Alaska State Museum on how to approach a narrow gauge electric locomotive for a new display…   Their very professional staff generally finds themselves addressing small, less industrial objects… their collection of Indian baskets is spectacular… they have a wide variety of kayaks… there are stuffed and mounted birds and animals…  they have Sarah Pallen’s rifle (it was given to the Governor of Alaska by the NRA, so is state property… and now in the museum… not on display, but down in storage in the basement)

Juneau Alaska has a long and rich history of mining, complete with railroads to support that mining.

The locomotive is a Baldwin/Westinghouse 18 ton, 3’gauge electric, built in 1914 for Alaska Gastenau Gold Mining Company.  After the A-G shut down in 1921, it and a sister, and cars were sold to Santa Cruz Portland Cement in Davenport, north of Santa Cruz.  After Santa Cruz converted to a conveyer system about 1980, this loco and the sister eventually joined the collection of the California State Railroad Museum.  A few years ago this locomotive was given to the Alaska State Museum.

Their staff frequently uses Q-tips to clean objects… a Q-tip is the correct tool when cleaning a basket but is probably the wrong strategy when dealing with a locomotive… The museum’s staff understands Q-tips are not the answer… but needed help in identifying the answer… so we were asked to join them for a few days… we also did a couple of radio interviews, and gave a evening lecture… So our mission was two fold, dealing with railroad locomotives as museum objects, and the stories this told about local history…

So the railroad locomotive as museum object was pretty easy, it is what we both do…  but the history required some work…  We both spent some time… both in Alaska, but also before, catching up on local railroad history…  local mining history…  and local history in general… Kyle went up a week early with his wife Deb… by chance, her grandfather worked for Alaska Treadwell, and he (her grandfather) is considered a notable area pioneer.  Deb left for points south a few hours before I arrived… so Kyle and I were without our local history muse…

Kyle and I had rosters published in the 2nd addition of Clifford’s Yukon-Alaska Railroads (originally published as Rails North, the new edition is much revised and improved) research in Baldwin and Porter records and some random newspaper clippings… We had access to photos and drawings from the associated Alaska State Archives…  We are both pretty good with Google and web searches…  We kind of looked like the pro’s from Dover… we knew more than anyone else we met…

The talk went well, the radio interviews went well… the Locomotive as museum object went very well (although there is a written report due)

Along the way, we may have solved the great mystery of local railroad history… identifying the remains of a locomotive buried wheels up in the woods… a locomotive that neither of us has seen, but both have seen in photos… a locomotive, apparently built by Risdon of San Francisco, inside geared, of steam outline (but could be compressed air, and may or may not still have a boiler or air tank attached)  Kyle had a newspaper clipping received years earlier… which suggests a Risdon locomotive was being built for a railroad in Sheep Creek for Nowell… of course it is also reported in sources including Clifford as Howell… and while the remains are about 24” gauge the Porter list suggests that Nowell or Howell also bought a 30” gauge loco later…  Sheep Creek was later the site of the A-G operation with 36” gauge haul railroad (home of our locomotive) and a 26” gauge mining operations… so, we possibly have 4 gauges in a single place over a period of 40 years…

It appears that gauge is important… between the three big mines, and their railroads, the two smaller tramways, the two dam construction railroads we have at least 5 and maybe more gauges.  We have steam locomotives (rod locomotives from 5 builders, maybe more, including a shay), compressed air locomotives, electric trolley and electric battery locomotives (with at least three manufacturers represented amount the electrics).

Now home… I am finding more on the area railroads… It turns out a friend, Don Marenzi is the expert of record on the area (we knew that)… He did the rosters in the new version of Clifford, but much of what he submitted wasn’t included…  At this point I suspect Kyle and I know more about local railroads than anyone else except Don… and we know a few things Don doesn’t…  Kyle is pulling stuff out of the Pennsylvania State Archives… I have found some additional newspaper reports and a couple of maps… Don, looking at files he compiled years ago is finding things…

The result will likely be a number of pages on this site covering the railroads near Juneau.


PS… the blog continues to be a fly trap for spam comments, mostly for on line drug stores, but also shoes and web directories promising to grow out audience… the number is significant… so significant that I generally don’t read them, just id them as spam and go on… if you have a comment it is probablly better submitted on our forum…

June 30, 2013

Carson & Colorado Equpment Roster – a book review

By: Randy Hees

C&C Equipment Book

So now that we have a blog, there is a question of what to use it for…

Today, I would like to review a new publication of interest, Carson & Colorado Railroad, Equipment Roster and Pictorial, 1880-1900 by Stephen Drew…

This is the latest in a series of monographs published by the Virginia & Truckee Railroad Historical Society. Previous volumes have looked at the V&T’s box cars, gasoline motor cars, and depots as Gold Hill and Virginia City. Of course, the Carson & Colorado was built and controlled by the V&T, and the records of the two companies are interwoven.

The book is not just well researched… it comprehensively researched, as only Stephen could. Sources cited and included are locomotive specification sheets, shop records, paint records, newspaper reports both from the collections of the Bancroft Library, California State Railroad Museum, University of Nevada Reno, Nevada Historical Society and from various private collections.

Where previous rosters have concentrated on the original gas pipe cars,, Stephen takes us through to 1900, and the sale to Southern Pacific interests, including later wooden box and flat cars built in the V&T shops, as well as 4 wheel dump cars, and outfit cars.

It is 44 pages (including the covers) staple bound, with lots of color, printed on heavy glossy stock. It will be available (its not yet listed) from the V&T Historical Society ( Likely premiering at their annual conference in Carson City in October. The expected price is $20.00

I strongly recommend this as both fun read and as a basic resource for C&C history


May 31, 2013

I am enjoying some old school research again…

By: Randy Hees

A few weeks ago at the SPng conference in Tonopah, I spent some time at the Central Nevada Museum, looking at microfilm of newspapers…

In our brave new world we tend to depend on Google searches… rather on research trips to find new information… Occasionally you need to go somewhere, visit a library, and look for stuff…

I came back with 25 copies from the Tonopah Miner… each a report about the Tonopah railroad, its construction, operation, and eventual conversion to standard gauge….

I am also spending time on the California Digital Newspaper project, looking for and finding more reports about the railroad.
It turns out I need a second visit to the museum in Tonopah… and a visit to a museum in Delaware that holds the Tonopah Mining Company Records… We are back to old school research libraries… I welcome the process…

The secrets of the Tonopah Railroad are there for us to find… I am following the trail…


PS… since the first post, we have had three comments… all spam… we welcome comments and submissions… this is after all a public sourced project… Just let us know…

May 22, 2013

Welcome to the PacificNG blog…

By: Randy Hees

So, we have a blog… so the question is what to do with this thing…

I plan on using it as a place to tell stories about current railroad research, efforts at preservation, and things going on in our community. I welcome suggestions.

The blog comes as the site is going through a technical transition… We are migrating from GoDaddy to a new host… you may have noticed the welcome notice… you may have noted that we went dark for a couple of days… the photo gallery still doesn’t work…. All of this is the cost of the change… a change that when complete will be good… with more options for Andrew when managing the site.
Behind the scenes, Andrew (Andrew Brandon) is working hard in his spare time to make the thing work, and eventually sing (not sing as in Dolly Parton or Merle Haggard, but sing as a web site should)

Our vision for the site… (this is not new) is an open discussion forum… questions, answers, thoughts, with a curated back side… The individual railroad histories, The information on paint…. These will be reviewed, edited, and sources checked… We at PacificNG collectively believe in footnotes… We need to trace the source of the information.

We believe by following this model, we can attract the best railroad historians and researchers, publish their work and thoughts, and provide a basic source for early railroad history, mostly narrow gauge railroad history on the Pacific Slope…
