February 12th, 1875
Tho Nevada County Railroad.
Colfax, February 11th. — Messrs. Turlon and Knox, who have tbe contract for grading the Colfax and Nevada City Narrow-Gauge Railroad, broke ground, without ceremony, near this place, this afternoon, with about 160 men, and commenced work In earnest. By next Monday 300 men, with horses and carts in proportion, will be added, and tbe work will be pushed vigorously forward. The road will doubtless be completed, and trains running throogh to Nevada City by the first of November.
February 23rd, 1875
The Nevada County Railroad.
From the Nevada Transcript, Feb. 14th
The contractors, Messrs. Turton & Knox, have got fairly started in building the Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad. They have erected their camps and commenced work near the Central Pacific Railroad Company's bridge which crosses Long Ravine, beinh two miles from Colfax. On either side of the bridge work 1s being done. Last week they had their tents raised and everything ready for the commencement of lively work to-day. Up to Saturday last they had about sixty men at work and thirty horses. Yesterday they had 175 men and 70 horses at work. On Wednesday they expect to have about 400 workmen, and the force will be Increased as fast aa they can work men to advantage. In a week or ten days it will be a great curiosity to visit the camp and see the lively manner in which they throw the dirt. The line selected runs about as follows : It leaves Colfax on the right or east side of the Central Pacific Railroad, (the depot to be in about the same place where the stages now leave for this city, near or in the place of the shed there,) and running on the slope of Rice's ravine, running nearly parallel to that railroad, crossing under the Long Ravine bridge ; thence on the divide between the head of the ravine down the eastern side of Long ravine, on the slopes of the hill to Bear river. The road is located to Bear river, and the permanent location will be completed to this city in a few weeks.
Febuary 5th 1875
The Railroad.-Affairs on the railroad are getting along well. Mr. Turton is at Colfax and was yesterday engaged, with a team of men, in errecting the nexessary boarding houses for the employes of the subcontractors. A large number of carts and scrapers have already been sent to Colfax, and in a few days horses and mules will be forwarded to that place. It is now the enlation to break ground on next Thursday, the 11th of this month. We are not informed, from any authentic sources, as to how many men will be employed on the work, but we understand that wherever there may be room for a man to work to advantage, on the whole of the road, he will be given work. In two or three weeks after making start of the work of grading, at least 500 men will be employed. The road will be quickly graded and will be ready for track laying by the time the iron can be placed on the ground, and the iron will be there just as soon as possible under all the circumstances.
Feburary 7th 1875
Railroad.- To-morrow the fourth assessment on the capital stock of the Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad Company becomes delinquent. Of course there will be but few, if any, of th stockholders who will fail to make payment. The road should be hindered a moment, in its construction, for the want of backing by the shareholders. See Secretary Fletcher at an early hour to-morrow and give him the funds to square up that assessment. The stock will be worth the money and the road will be of great advantage to this part of the country.
Feburary 9th 1875
Railroad.-Yesterday the assessment on the stock of the Nevada County narrow Gauge Railroad Company ----- stockholders have --- generally paid up. We understand that at Nevada City, the assessments were, also, promptly paid. That is as it should be, The road will be quickly built and will therefore, quickly give new life to this part of the county. At the office of Chief Engineer --- there was considerable activity yesteday. Numbers of persons were there looking at specifications for the depot buildings and for tunnel and bridge work. Engineer Kidder who has charge of location of the road, was in town yesterday he says that the work of final ---- is progressing most favorably. The weather has been very favorable to Mr. Kidder and his party-just such weather as just men --- when during a good work. On tomorrow or the next day it is expected that Knox and Turton will commence the work of grading.
Feburary 11th 1875
Ground Broken.-Yesterday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, as we understand, ground was broken on the Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad. This was done about a half mile out from Colfax. There were no ceremonies observed on the occasion, but the workmen simply went to sober work of shoveling dirt. There will be no hilariousness over the road business until the last spike is driven and then you can bet that the boys will have a time.
Directors Meeting.-The Directors of the N.C.N.G.R.R. Company held a meeting yesterday. I twas reported to the meeting that almost all the assessments which became due on last MOnday were paid in. Only three or four shares all deliquent as we understand and these will not remain so very long.
Feburary 12th 1875
Breaking Ground.- We announced yesterday that ground had been broke, the day before, near Colfax, on the Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad. The breaking did not occur on Wednesday, as was announced from headquarters, but the ceremonies were postponed until yesterday afternoon, at the hour of 2 o'clock. At last Col. Clarke telegraphed us on Wednesday evening that on Thursday (yesterday) at the hour named, the aforesaid breaking of ground would occur. We did not recieve the telegram in time to notify the boys here, and so no delegation from this place attended the ceremonies. We know that Dennis McCarty's speech was an eloquent one.
October 26th, 1875.
A Railroad Ride.- Last Sunday two of our most enterprising young men, who were brought up in the fond hope that they would turn out to be Sunday School Superintendents, went out to see how the railroad was getting along. They had a buggy and a span and they rode down to Greenhorn bridge. They there saw a little car on the track, one that is used in front of the construction engine. The little car is a nice little "flat" and just the one to tempt young men in comfort. Our adventures tied up their horses, and then board the little flat car. They started that car down toward Bear River. At first the thing moved slowly, but at every turn of the wheels speed was gained. They went into the Greenhorn tunnel, and in that they stuck still more of a down grade. That little car gathered motion as it went down hill. It got to make a speed of about sixty miles an hour, and it turned curves at the rate of a flash of lightning. There were no brakes on the car and no way to stop her. The two passengers began to get excited with the ride. The speed of the little car caused their hats to blow off and came very to taking their hair out by the roots. They were nearing Bear River bridge which is ninety-eight feet high, and such a bridge is not good looking to cross over on a small car. There happened to be a piece of scantling, or a tie on the car, and they concluded to stop their speed. One of the young gentlemen took that tie and dropped it in front of the car. The result was that the car and the two young men went off the track each taking a flight in a different direction. The car was not hurt and the two young men only felt sore yesterday morning. They put the car again on the track and pushed her up to where they began their ride. It took and hour and a half to do the uphill work. They made the down grade in less than five minutes. The moral is to go to church on Sunday and let the railroad alone.
P.S. Next sunday Johnny Judd and Billy Johnston are going down to show how easy it is ride down the road.
April 4th, 1901
GRASS VALLEY, April 3.— The life of John F. Kidder, State Debris Commissioner, is fast drawing to a close. Each sinking spell leaves him weaker than before and it is believed that his death is now only a question of hours.
February 17th, 1907
Nevada County Road to Use Gasoline Engine
One of the most unique railroad cars ever built in this state is the one under course of construction at the shops of Naylor Sons & Co. In this city. The new locomotive is to run by gasoline exclusively and is being constructed for the Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad. The car when completed will be put on the run between Grass Valley, Colfax and, Nevada City. It I will seat fifteen persons and, has been designed with a view to carrying mail and baggage. The new coach will take the place of the present steam locomotive used, and will run to connect with the overland limited at Colfax. It has previously been necessary to run a full train and crew to connect with the overland, and in many instances the train has been obliged to make this run with only one or two passengers, and possibly some miscellaneous baggage and freight. It wasrto overcome this large and unnecessary expense that officials of the Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad finally decided to install the gasoline cars. • • • A practically, new and locally designed gasoline engine furnishes the car with running power. While the engine will be comparatively small, it will be equal to the task assigned it. It is a three-cylinder, four cycle affair of twelve horsepower and is expected to develop a maximum speed of thirty miles an hour. • • • The -car is always ready for use and can be started at a moment's notice. One man can easily operate and control the machinery. Several other cars of a like design will be built following the completion of the present coach, and an effort will be made to introduce it for street railway use. -— Sacramento Union.
April 12th, 1901
Death of John F. Kidder.
Hon. John F. Kidder, Debris Commissioner, and, one of the foremost citizens of the State, died at his home in Grass Valley last Wednesday.